I hold weekly meetings for interested parties here in Hendersonville, NC. This is a synopsis from our first meeting.
Synopsis of Week 1 Meeting:
1. What is communism?An end result.
2. Why do communists insist that there has never been a communist state?
Because they've never been able to get past stage 1, the violence.
3. Why does there need to be a violent stage?
Because it is the only way to get capitalists out of power. You don't think they're going willingly, do you?
4. What is capitalism?
According to Marx, it is a genetic disease.
5. Who carries this disease?
According to Marx, Jews.
Before you go purple, I am a Jew, and I am telling you this to educate you about communists NOT Jews!
6. Why did Marx say this?
He made it up. He looked at the mixed history of medieval Judaism, the Christian church, and socio-economics, and decided to inflict his philosophy/scheme against his own people (Marx was born Jewish).
7. Why would people believe this?
Christians were by the church historically denied the career of banker or financier. They "allowed" the Jews to do this. When the economy fell apart in any region, the Jews were blamed. Mix this with superstition against Jews and you have a cultural bias that was/is easy to manipulate further.
8. Do communists believe this today?
Yes. The corollary is that any Christian or other non-Jew who embraces capitalism must be... get ready... a Jew by proxy. Therefore, communists believe that the only way to rid capitalism from the Earth is to segregate Jews, reeducate non-Jews, and finally have their revolution.
9. Why would Christians fall for this?
First, Christians have a great weakness when it comes to rules. They tolerate too much evil, and they guess too much about right and wrong. Second, whether you like it or not, the old prejudices against the Jews is alive and strong today. Not only in Europe and the Middle East, but here in America, as anti-Zionism, anti-banker, anti-Israel, etc.
10. Am I being too harsh?
No. Look at Islam. Strong in rules, scary to everyone, including communists. Jews, strong in rules, but weak in numbers and not scary - a convenient target. So, rather than blaming savagery on those who commit it, the weak-minded point their finger at those who are least willing or able to take over the world - the Jews. The communists and Islamic radicals count on this weakness of mind. Guess who really wants to take over the world?
11. What about Nazis?
They believe not only that capitalism is a Jewish plot, but also that COMMUNISM is a Jewish plot! Thus, they are insane.
12. Are communists insane?
They are... but not in philosophy. They are actually very clever. Whereas Nazism is based on the master racism of ethnicity (Aryan), communism is based on the master racism of ideology. They claim to be more scientific and analytical than either capitalists or Nazis.
13. What can be done?
Christians - learn your rules. Read Romans 3:1-2, Matthew 23:2-4, John 3:14 (research this brazen serpent in Exodus and 2 Kings), Acts 15:20-21. Understand where Christianity comes from (the Jews) and understand that communists not only want you to reject Jews but also Judaism and law. This will make you easy pickings. Unfortunately, you have been taught weak law, but Jesus, the apostles, and Paul taught STRONG Law. God's Law. Torah Law. If you want to win against communism and Islamic radicalism, you'll have to be stronger than just complaining about savagery - you'll have to enforce it. Remember - the final goal of communism and Islamic radicalism is for you to reject Jesus - and since Christ and his disciples were Jews, this is supposedly made easier. Finally, Jesus was not a Jew-hating Jew, he LOVED his people. What will you do?
14. Why this focus on Jews?
Why not? Marx was a Jew by birth, but left it because he hated God. Jesus was a Jew and did not leave it. The difference between the Truth and lies is quite clear. Jesus is the truth IF we listen to him. Marx is a liar - period. The Jews are to be of great concern not only in the next year or so, but also in the end times. This is written in scripture, and we know it. The real reason the communists want to destroy religion is that the Law of God, the RULES, must be expunged before the state can truly become "god." But if you've read the verses I've recommended and studied them, you'll see that communism can never win when a people are strong not only in faith, but also in the Law of God, the true RULES.
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