Friday, September 30, 2011

Lesson 2: Marx and Satanism

I hold weekly meetings for interested parties here in Hendersonville, NC. This is a synopsis from our second meeting.

Synopsis of Week 2 Meeting:

1. Is communism atheistic?

It claims so. The core of the communist state is the eradication of all religion, so we believe that atheism is its engine. However, read on.

2. Is communism satanic?

Since Satanism is a religion, one would think not. However, in Marx and Satan, a fascinating book by imprisoned Romanian minister and prolific author Richard Wurmbrand, a solid case is presented that Karl Marx may have been from his adolescence a practicing Satanist. The proof? Correspondence, dramatic writings, third-party accounts, and odd events. Wurmbrand himself says that the verdict is not without doubt, but you will shake your head at the mass of evidence he was able to gather. I recommend you read this book. A synopsis is here:

or read it for free here:

3. Does it matter if communism is atheistic or if it is satanic?

Yes. If atheistic, communism is no danger to religion. Atheism is by its very definition neutral to spiritual beliefs. The peril to religious freedom is ANTI-theism, not atheism. Anti-theism is against all forms of worship on the grounds that religion is dangerous. Of course, the methods by which anti-theists would discard religion are equally as oppressive and violent as claims they make against Christianity or Islam (if they had the guts). The key element to removing you from your religion is, as previously stated in last week’s synopsis, to divide you from the rules. Faith can be quite unbreakable but also without firm foundation, so that what is believed passionately can also be gravely in error. On the other hand, God’s rules (Torah), though they may be maligned, distorted, diluted, or absorbed into a different mode, stand on their own merit. The communist is unable to change the written Law of God, which is why infiltration of church and temple at the personal level of faith is their approved strategy. As a prime example, social justice (a communist theme) is often incorporated with Christian theology in order to hoodwink congregants weak in God’s Law. But those who understand with legal precision the Biblical tenets of charity and loving thy neighbor, as well as the more capitalistic themes of investment (for example, the parable of the talents), can never be pulled aside to the doctrines of collective resources or collective salvation.

4. How can one recognize this infection?

It appears from the outset as humanism, that is, rationalism. It begins with benign pleas for “sharing the wealth” as a method to fulfill vague commandments of compassion. If such communitarian behavior is rejected by certain of the flock, they are ostracized. Soon, that church or temple becomes a place of finger-pointing and coveting. This is the route by which Satan becomes involved in communism.

5. What is the communist goal for the church?

Communism denies religion on the basis of economics and so-called reason. Social justice and liberation theology are manners by which communism breaks down the church stone by stone. The actual aim of the communist is the dissolution of the church, not only its infiltration. It is, in fact, the same game that China plays with economics. China is not a capitalist nation; it is only capitalist long enough to wear down capitalism! At that point, when it has become the dominant economic superpower, it will forego capitalism for communism, i.e., slavery.

6. Where does Satanism itself come in?

The satanic angle is the lie. While social justice has its Torah prescription in the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), the communist view is that no atonement is made without the community, and certainly not without remuneration for past wrongs, that is, by redistribution of wealth. This is false (and therefore satanic).

7. How do we know this?

God’s commandments, and the punishments for their transgression, are written and specific. Further, the oracles (interpreters) of the Law, the Jews (see last week’s synopsis), have a body of knowledge called Talmud. Talmud is intentionally vague and/or seemingly contradictory on a great many subjects. Many times, several diverse opinions confer the same righteousness by nevertheless adhering to a specific commandment. The backbone to this fogginess is that much of Torah was never meant to be absolutist. As it concerns social justice, one may follow such a path, and another not, and both would be within Torah parameters. This “innocent until proven guilty” apparatus has not translated well to the Christian community, which normally functions on singular correctness (“guilty until found innocent”). Thus, preachers such as Jeremiah Wright can spin Talmudic truths into segregationist and racial diatribes by claiming that opposing viewpoints are – you guessed it – satanic. In terms of lawful adherence to God’s Law, this is tripe. In terms of communism, this is propaganda. Likewise, liberation theology would not float without the false promise that the poor are so favored by God that all men must forego even their individual freedom to help these vulnerable (a doctrine known as “option for the poor”). The insidiousness is not that the poor must receive care (this is Torah commandment) but that religious organizations should form to specifically protect their interests. Fundamentally, this is exploitation of the poor. Combined with communism, this is for the sake of gaining power over men. What would Jesus do? Note that when Mary’s use of an expensive ointment was called into question (“it might have been sold and the proceeds given to the poor”), Christ immediately intervened with an admonishment to the grumblers (“the poor will always be with us”).

8. Why is Torah the antidote?

Communists are among us. They have not your best interests at heart. Their goal is destruction of the church and temple by the utilization of its inner workings. Communist infiltration into the government works the same way – topple it from the inside. They work this magic by promising everything, and it is the gullibility and greed of human nature which allows such promises (lies) to take root. Only knowledge based in God’s Law can dull the luster and appeal of satanic offerings posing as communist utopian outlooks, again posing as godly measures. Take Christ’s experience as your template. In the wilderness, when confronted by Satan who offered him all things, Jesus quoted verbatim three times from Torah: (1) “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word which proceeds from the mouth of God” (Deuteronomy 8:3), (2) “Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God” (Deuteronomy 6:16), and (3) “Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve” (Deuteronomy 6:13 & 10:30). Satan promptly fled, and Christ collapsed from exhaustion, having expended all his energy in rejecting sin. How did Jesus recognize the devil? Was “old scratch” carrying a pitchfork and sporting a tail? Did he smell like brimstone and cackle like an old hag? No. Satan comes not in repulsiveness but in attractiveness. If you think that Jesus was not in his human nature able to be tempted, you misunderstand the lesson and underestimate your enemy. Christ was able to discern the serpent only through a Torah prism. How did Jesus retain his righteousness? Jesus wasn’t laughing at a weak foe but fought and thwarted Satan with the powerful sword of written commandment. Concerning this weapon, Christ said, “I did not come to send peace but a sword” (Matt. 10:34), and this sword is the word of God (Hebrews 4:12, et al), which even for the non-Jews Paul did not deny (Ephesians 4:12). If you value your spiritual liberty, you will invoke God’s Law against both communists and Satanists.


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