Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Occupy Everywhere? No, Hatred Everywhere.

by Tom Wise

Over a year ago, I warned that the reason communism would rise in America, and swiftly, is that the beat-down had been abandoned. I related that my father told stories from his childhood describing the street-corner communist being dragged from soap-box, ridiculed, and given the bum's rush. I observed that in 2010 communists were coming out of the woodwork, feeling emboldened by inaction and the increasing nerve of inside leaders like Barack Obama, Keith Ellison, Cass Sunnstein, and Eric Holder, as well as agitators such as Richard Trumpka, Andy Stern, Van Jones, and Michael Moore. I warned you and you laughed at me.

Six months ago, I watched an occupation of the Wisconsin State House. I saw anger, hatred, coveting, disrespect for peaceful assembly, and abandonment of duty. I warned you that if we didn't get tough, demand order, and refuse entrance to those from out of state things would get ugly. We narrowly avoided disaster. But that anger went on. I warned you this was only the start and you waved me off.

Over the past few months, I've sounded the trumpet on the Gaza flotilla, the raising of the debt ceiling, the use of drones in Yemen, and many speeches by American socialists. I warned you and you told me I was paranoid.

A few years ago, I wrote a book called The Mark which described a collusion between Islam and communism. I sent this book to Glenn Beck and the same week he noticed it for himself. This year, I've watched the fall of Mubarak in Egypt, the NATO invasion of Libya, the rioting and mass murder in Syria, the continuing terrorism from Hamas in Israel, the spread of Hezbollah in Latin America and now Cuba, and I warned you that each of these things represents Marxism in the Arab World. But you told me that it was Islamic fascism. Well, what do you think Islamic fascism is? Collectivism. I warned you but you dismissed me.

I warned you that "Day of Rage" was coming, and you snickered when the gathering turned out to be a few dozen scruffy kids and leftover hippies. But I told you that we ought to meet them with a counter-attack, at the very least patriotic music and sermons. I knew this would spread if we enabled them to feel safe. Without any repercussion, hundreds more showed. Arrests followed. Still no public backlash, and so thousands more came, and the "movement" spread into many cities, including one near you. You did nothing. In fact, some of you decided to agree with them. I warned you this anger and hatred would metastasize and it has.

Now I bring you another warning.

It has come to my attention that some of these groups will "march" into rich neighborhoods, purpose unknown. What will be the outcome? Will these people "occupy" lawns, garages, or homes? Will they "appropriate" private property? Will they vandalize, defecate, and harass? And what will the response be? Will some gun owners shoot? Will neighborhoods block off streets with barriers? Who will win such a standoff?

What does this mean? Unfortunately, this is called civil war. It is also the worst form of revolution, class war. Not only is it envy fueled by Marxist dreams and Hegelian blame games, it is also the vision of Charles Manson, whose motto was "kill the pigs." Well, "pigs" meant to him anyone that was privileged. This is not only French Revolution stuff, it's also race war. How many enmities must we extinguish in order to have peace again?

This makes me weep. Barack Obama was said to be one to bring racial healing, and instead we have more finger-pointing than ever, and with great hypocrisy and double standard. When a man like Herman Cain must be judged by Leftists, by black Leftists, as a traitor to his own people, you know that lynching is not far from their mind. Who's a racist now? This is not only ethnic cleansing, it is hive mutation cleansing. This is the way insects behave.

I've seen this before. Where I grew up, if you achieved you were looked on with suspicion. Our town was loser town. We saw in our county actual race riots, gang fighting, religious persecutions of the violent sort, and class envy. I escaped that place as quickly as I could. Where I relocated there was a different environment and atmosphere, and I slowly learned to be myself without the fear and hatred. Whereas I used to be a "fairness" and "compassion" guy, I became a "do-it-yourself" guy. The Tea Party is the first political assembly I've joined, and I'm happy that it is a collection of individuals rather than an individual collection.

So, I'm warning you again. This hatred and coveting is coming to every city, every town, every household. It's going to be everyone against everyone. This march on wealthy neighborhoods will spread to middle-America. It will become "Occupy (your town)" and there will be megaphones and drums and signs and litter. What will you do? Will you hide in your home? Will you wait on your porch with a shotgun? Will you go to the protest and counter-protest? Will you join them? Will you infiltrate their ranks and be a new type of leader? What will be your response?

1 comment:

  1. Tom, yesterday, I saw that the "Occupy Raleigh" group had set up an outdoor booth at the NC State Fair Grounds Flea Market. They were trying to appeal to the veterans and any other person that would lend them an ear. You have hit the nail on the head about this group. We must all expose their true motives. Thanks!!


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