Recently, it is come to my attention that many people still do not take seriously the threat to our national security caused by this movement known as “Occupy.” Apparently, the future is still too dimly-lit. Let me attempt to illuminate.
How did it start? It began with a few dozen people traipsing down to lower Manhattan and settling into a designated area. The so-called event had been well-hyped and planned for at least a year. The purpose was to enervate the Tea Party; first, by emulating it and possibly drawing power from it, thereby absconding with the messaging; second, by intentional irrational and disgraceful behavior which is meant to reflect badly on grass-roots assemblies in general. That some of the attendees were angry dupes who actually believed the party line (“come join and express your frustration”) was to be expected and was designed only to lend some credibility where none should be attributed.
How did it expand? (1) By no opposition meeting the threat head-on, this crowd was enabled to feel secure. Ordinary citizens and counter-protestors stayed home and basked in their liberty rather than vigilantly protecting the future of this nation. At the least, some congregation of patriots playing or singing Americana and march music, and sermonizing from their favorite denomination, would have gone some way towards dissuading the sunshine revolutionary and bringing to exposure the radical. (2) By preferential media, the milieu was portrayed as calm and peaceful, a fallacy which both drew new proselytes and placated the nerves of the half-interested. As well, conversations expanded lauding the efforts of these youth, as if they had aim or gumption. In relation to the poor of this world, these protestors are spoiled children. In relation to the working conditions of our Revolutionary War heroes, they are dust. If this sounds too harsh, it is that their laziness and envy is systemic. (3) By the addition of various groups with some coherent message, such as Ron Paul’s “End the Fed” folks, credibility was lent where none was deserved. At least Ron Paul acolytes desire to work within a capitalist system, bathe, vote, and are otherwise good citizens; Occupy-ers have no such zeitgeist, and have proven themselves to also be willing to agitate against and confront the police.
Where will it end? There are various factions now vying for an end-game:
(1) The communists are involved, and have been almost from the start. Anyone who will say that Occupy Wall Street have only American goals are blind or lying. Just a little research on Google shall uncover the early infiltration of Marxists. These traitors use the obvious “victim mentality” as a tool by which to leverage some street action. The hope is for some form of violent confrontation. The outcome of such a clash is meant to promote further reaction against “fascism” (powers that be). Public opinion is to be shaped by focusing on Congress, corporations and police states. Obama and his gang will be exempted, as will be all fomenters. The ultimate goal is a type of civil war. Already Al Sharpton is attempting to mobilize blacks to join the childish white college students, thereby mixing the message and political repercussions. This is perilously close to a Charles Manson scenario. If all goes as they planned, many will die. And remember, this is all predicated on the concept that whoever is occupying desires a well-paying job. Curiously, no one is suggesting that a college graduate should head to another country, such as Hong Kong or India to procure a better financial position (as if professionals from those countries never came here for such reason). Their excuse will be that they should not have to leave their home country, but what they really mean is that they love the freedoms inherent in American society. Thus, they are crybabies. This will unravel when the communists push these pansies too far. However, we should not exhale in relief, for that end will not arrive without some tumult, even bloodshed.
(2) The Democrats are involved. Our local (Hendersonville) Occupy has been organized by Doug Freeman and Jacque Knable, political insiders (simply research their names under Google News). They are piggybacking on kerosene. By the enthusiastic and hopeful look on the faces of Nancy Pelosi and other influential Democrats, it is apparent that they also are pinning some hopes of reelection and increased power base on the success of Occupy. They rave (literally) that Occupy is a lively reminiscence of their own youth, which (according to some) might even joyously culminate in a reenactment of Kent State (naturally, they hope – I Think! – without actual deaths). The nuances of the Democrat party range from tentative approval to full-fledged embrace, but they are playing with fire. The aims of many involved dupes is not to rebuild the system into a well being but to destroy and leave in ruins. We are hearing now from Occupy and their leeches such flaming swords as “Death to Capitalism!” and “Kill the Pigs!” These people collectively agree on the limitation and obstruction of free trade, individual rights, property ownership, and more. They have nothing in common with the main portion of America, yet they call themselves “the 99%.” Why then are Democrats rushing to be a part of this history? First, some are of their ilk – they are radicals – and we know who they are. Second, some are so self-absorbed that they can only see the photo-op and sound bite. Third, some are fools. But I need not be prejudicial. If any Republican or Libertarian sides with Occupy, they too must fall into these categories.
(3) International elements are involved. Islamic fascists, such as Ayatollah Khomeini have already blessed this gathering. Socialist tyrants, like Hugo Chavez, are gladdened by this show. Proponents of the New World Order, in particular George Soros, are urging if not funding. Naturally, these have countervailing objectives. Khomeini, Chavez, and Soros may have one goal – the destruction of America, capitalism, and Torah – but they are enemies to each other. This must be true since they are all salivating to fill a power vacuum, but all have differing ideologies. This cannot end well. For if such a vacuum appears, either by a type of civil disorder or by a weak leader, their intramural conflicts will involve and decimate many. Need I look further into the future or can you not see the genocide and nuclear winters awaiting?
My purpose is to scare you. I hope you will be sufficiently empowered by my thoughts to all least research these things. Following, I hope you will meet these protesters to corral them. (1) Locally, this may be as benign as showing up and hanging out with them, diluting their anger by close proximity. (2) Or, it may be necessary to form a type of “neighborhood watch” that does not antagonize but which also does not tolerate vandalism and littering. If they wish to peacefully assemble, let them do it. Otherwise, they must become public servants and clean up their own mess. The police cannot by themselves monitor this. (3) Or, you may wish to infiltrate with a patriotic tone by bringing to their rally a sign which reads (for example) “No Communism in America!” If you are rebuffed briskly, you can still counter-protest from across the street. It is also acceptable to play the aforementioned patriotic music or sermons, again in their midst or from across their way. These are all peaceful solutions which nevertheless demand attention and negate some of their vigor.
I plan to follow my own advice.
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